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Ziang’ s Blog

How mass media influences the spread of awareness

  • The term “media” has a very profound history. From the human ancestors painted on a cave wall in Sulawesi Island, Indonesia, 40000 years ago, to the emergence of the first batch of newspapers in the early 17th century, to the various media platforms spread on the Internet, mass media has never left human life, and they have been growing with the development of science and technology.

The media has been developing with our life

Gradually, it is not difficult to find that in our daily life, we can no longer leave the media as a tool. It has played a role in information dissemination in our life. It has promoted the flow of knowledge, making it possible for knowledge to cross national borders. Through it, people exchange knowledge with each other. It has also shortened the distance between people, and people will share their emotions through the media.

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